Friday, December 10, 2010

Our Thanksgiving festivities were great! The turkey and dressing were amazing. Everyone had a wonderful meal and a good time.

As we approach our first Christmas together our community looks beautiful with lots of Christmas spirit.

Since opening, we have grown every week by at least one resident. It will not be long before our community is full and flourishing.

Our Holiday Open House will begin on December 12. Santa Claus will be stopping by December 22 for our community Christmas Party.

We have some exciting weeks ahead at Brookfield. Come see the progress we have made.

Monday, October 4, 2010

More Pictures from Our Open House

Our Comfy New Rooms

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Open House was a Great Success!

Over 200 people toured our building and enjoyed wonderful food prepared by Hudson Jones, our chef.
Our ribbon cutting made the front page of Hot Springs' daily newspaper, the Sentinel-Record. Here, director Pam Chenault is shown wielding the scissors. Thanks so much to the Ambassadors from the Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kai Raden is the New Director of the Memory Care Unit

Kai Raden is the Director of the Memory Care building. “I love working with seniors who have dementia. They still have so much to offer the world”.

“I’m also excited about working for Brookfield. It’s a wonderful company with a great philosophy, and we are going to do great things for the seniors in the Hot Springs area.”

Kai said she’s been working hard to get everything in line for the residents of the community. “The building is coming together, our staff is coming together, and we are going to have a great program in place, waiting for our first residents move in.”

In addition to the health care needs of the residents, caring for their social and mental needs are important to her as well. “We want to make sure that they are well cared for in every way.” Safety, or course, is of utmost importance when dealing with those who have dementia. The secured building will provide residents with a comfortable home environment, while maintaining their safety and security.

Daily activities for the residents are planned, with the functional abilities of each resident being taken into account. “I’ve had wonderful training in this area, and I can’t wait to put some really great programs into place for our residents.” One of the programs planned for the near future is Memories in the Making – a nationwide art program for seniors with dementia through Alzheimer’s Association. “It’s an incredible program,” she explained. “It’s not about creating art with the person with dementia, it’s about giving them another means of interaction, of expressing themselves, and raising their self-esteem.”

Kai has received certification as an Assisted Living Administrator through Health Care Training Associates, in cooperation with the Arkansas Assisted Living Association. She has lived in Hot Springs for 19 years with her husband and two children.